BayTrust in collaboration with Acorn Foundation, Tauranga City Council, TECT Community Trust and Western Bay of Plenty District Council have established The Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund to provide a streamlined approach to the support of community events taking place in Tauranga and Western Bay. The fund provides financial support to events that are community-led, deliver positive social outcomes, and enrich our communities.
The events we fund must
- Be community-driven events that enrich our communities through active participation and inclusion.
- Align with our event funding values and at least one of our priorities.
We prioritise events that
- Are accessible for the community - free or low-cost entry.
- Encourage participation and have widespread appeal within the community.
- Support a varied community event portfolio.
- Highlight events of cultural and historical significance.
- Engage local volunteers and help develop Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty’s volunteer workforce.
- Secure a range of income streams through other funding sources.
How to apply
Learn More here
Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund

The Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund supports recurring events that celebrate Māoritanga (Māori culture) in Tauranga Moana.
The fund is a joint initiative, administered by Tauranga City Council on behalf of TECT, BayTrust and Council.
The fund is committed to supporting recurring events that:
- celebrate Tauranga Moana tangata whenua;
- promote and share tikanga Māori; and
- raise awareness of events of historical and/or cultural significance to Tauranga Moana.
If you have an event that you think may qualify for funding, we encourage you to send an email to Te Pou Takawaenga at kaupapafund@tauranga.govt.nz to discuss your application.
The events we fund must
- be driven by, or partnered with iwi and/or hapū in the Tauranga City Council area;
- be run by a not-for-profit organisation;
- have been operating for at least one year in Tauranga Moana before the application is submitted;
- deliver tangible community and tangata whenua benefits;
- strongly align with our event funding values (our funding decisions are heavily weighted towards these principles);
- Must include a written endorsement of support and involvement for the event from the current Chairperson or the Senior Executive (i.e., CEO, General Manager) of the iwi, hapū or marae.
Additional considerations
- you must submit a high-level event budget;
- events that have free or low-cost admission to the public are more likely to receive funding support;
- events that are predominantly commercial in nature are less likely to receive support;
- events and/or organisations that already receive substantial ongoing support from Tauranga City Council, financial or otherwise, are less likely to receive support from the Kaupapa Māori Legacy Event Fund.
We don’t fund events that
How to apply
Applications for 2022 – 2023 will open on 1 July. Applications will be administered through our new online application service from 1 July, powered by SmartyGrants.
To find out more or to apply follow the link below.