Our Commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi
We desire to work with Māori in a way that is consistent with the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi including partnership, protection, and participation, particularly:
Over past two years BayTrust has been working hard to ensure our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi is embedded deeply into our values, purpose, kaupapa and funding framework.
From a cultural, protection and partnership perspective, as of 2020 we revisited our purpose and kaupapa, and consolidated our values and aligned and consolidated our funding framework. In particular we had recently added a new specific funding area for Māori; “Tū Māori Mai” which provided funding for:
As of 2022, we revisited the Tū Māori Mai funding area, consolidating data collected from observations from the funding area, applications, and our community. A decision was made to expand the Tū Māori Mai funding area (Tū Māori Mai area) but also to raise the funding area to its own priority area moving away from sitting with Community wellbeing. We have kept the original focuses of the area but added:
With the purpose of the funding area; Māori in Bay of Plenty are supported to achieve their aspirations and enabled to empower their whanau and wider community to create an abundant future for themselves, te taiao (natural world), and Te Ao Māori.
Legal implications and Te Tiriti
In 2021 The Community Trust asked for legal advice on their obligations and relationship to the Treaty of Waitangi. This was undertaken by Buddle Finlay (on behalf of all the Community Trusts) who used their ToW legal expertise to provide the attached advice and noted that:
Community Trusts are not part of the Crown and so are not a treaty partner, nor have the principles been extended to them by statute. Therefore, the principles of Te Tiriti are not directly binding or enforceable. However, Community Trusts have expressed a desire to recognise the significance of Te Tiriti in New Zealand society and their local communities by incorporating reference to it in their founding document – the Trust Deed.
As of March 2021, all of the Community Trusts including BayTrust, now have the following in their Trust Deed:
Te Tiriti o Waitangi: The Trustees should have regard to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in interpreting this Trust Deed and in performing their obligations under the Trust Deed.
Buddle Finlay noted that: "While the obligation to have regard to the principles of te Tiriti should not create legal obligations to honour te Tiriti in the way the Crown and certain state entities have obligations, in our opinion it requires the Community Trusts that adopt the wording to, in good faith, give genuine attention and thought as to how they can have regard to Te Tiriti and its principles in their work, including by working with Iwi, Hapū and Māori organisations appropriately."
With our refocus of priorities and strategic direction we had also had a revamp of logo and design in collaboration with a local Māori artisit.
If you would like a logo pack for media or advertising (click here)
We had worked with our Māori Advisor to solidify our kaupapa and develop a whakatauki for BayTrust. (As above) This represents our commitment in supporting, our community, it's people, it's enviroment through the power of generosity.