Funding Eligibility

Who Is Eligible For Funding?

We accept applications from formally constituted, not for profit organisations serving one or more Bay of Plenty communities.

The following entity types are formally constituted organisations:

  • Charitable Trust
  • Incorporated Society
  • Limited Liability Company with Charitable Status

We do not accept applications from individuals or informal organisations

The work the organisation does needs to align with at least one of our four priority areas

Organisations will need to provide a budget, verification of their bank account and their last year's financial accounts to be eligible to apply (organisations under one year old do not have to provide financials.)

What Types Of Costs Are Eligible?

We support operating costs and/or project costs

Operating cost grants are available to support the operating and administration costs of health, social and community development organisations. This may include operating costs for programmes for these types of organisations, and can include salaries or a salary component, plus general overheads of rent, power, phone and administration costs etc.

Project cost grants are available to assist with funding one-off community projects, events, assets or programmes, within the ability of our Trust funds.

For both operating and project costs, The Trust does not usually support applications in excess of 50% of the total cost (exceptions can be made for the Community Amenities Fund and Strategic Partnership Funding.) Applicant organisations are encouraged to have the balance in hand (or at least applications filed with other funders) before applying.

What Types Of Costs Aren’t Covered?

Applicable to all grants unless stated otherwise:

a) The Trust will not generally fund Funders;

b) The Trust will not accept:

  • Applications from individuals (except for scholarships), informal organisations; or for political purposes;
  • Applications for travel, accommodation or uniforms;
  • Applications to build endowments (i.e. to build capital bases);
  • Applications for the repayment of debt;
  • Retrospective applications (i.e. lodged after the event);
  • Applications for projects or activities that support the spiritual activity of religious organisations.

The Trust funds organisations that are not conducted for profit, where ownership is not held by an individual and where any surpluses do not accrue to an individual;

The Trust will not usually consider:

  • Applications where the funds will be passed on to another organisation or organisations except where they meet the ‘umbrella’ requirements;
  • Applications for costs/projects that are deemed to be the primary (over 80% funded) responsibility of local, regional or central government;
  • Projects where at least 50% of the funding requirements are not being met by other parties (exceptions for Strategic Partnership Funding and for applications that are Innovative as determined on a case by case basis after discussions with Trust staff);
  • More than one application from any organisation within a 12-month period, but flexibility may be allowed for in the following circumstances decided by staff on a case by case basis:
  • Organisations applying for Quarterly Strategic Funding where their application is for a separately identifiable project and/or is clearly innovative outside of general operating costs/business as usual;
  • Organisations that have multiple activities or programmes that are clearly distinguishable, or cover more than one BOP sub-region, with separate cost centres and income streams.
  • Projects or activities outside of our area

General Practices – how and who BayTrust will work with

Alignment to BayTrust Priorities

  1. BayTrust funds activities within the BayTrust boundaries that align with our Priorities
  2. All applicants who do not clearly align with BayTrust’s Priorities will be advised to first contact BayTrust staff prior to submitting a grant request. 

Funding Rounds:

  1. Community Support applications up to $50,000 will be considered monthly;
  2. Quarterly Strategic Funding applications over $50,000 and less than $250,000 will be considered quarterly;

Multi-year Funding:

  1. Will be considered on a case by case basis; 
  2. Payments will be made annually subject to review;
  3. Subsequent year’s grants will be paid out on receipt of a satisfactory audit/accountability form, budget for the next financial year and evaluation report (where applicable).

Umbrella applications:

  1. The Trust will accept applications from a group acting as an “umbrella” for a collaborative project or an informal or un-constituted organisation, without this affecting the 12-month timing rule for the umbrella organisation. The application will be processed under the name of the umbrella organisation, with accountability for the grant being the responsibility of the umbrella organisation. Organisations are encouraged to contact BayTrust staff if this is the case.

Financial Position

  1. The financial position of groups applying for support must be considered, and a judgement will be made as to the level of Cash Reserves  needed.
  2. Cash Reserves are defined as the group’s current assets minus current liabilities plus any non-current term deposits/savings (which may include funds held on behalf of the group by another entity) as provided in the group’s latest set of financial statements. Those groups with Cash Reserves over 12 months will be given lower priority for funding.

Insolvent organisations and organisations with Negative Cash Reserves

  1. Due to the risk that any grant may not be used to provide services in the future, but used to cover past losses, BayTrust will generally not provide funding to organisations who are Insolvent, that is where their liabilities exceed their assets or where they have negative Cash Reserves.
  2. Organisations applying to the Trust who are in this position will need to demonstrate how they are going to remedy this situation without the use of BayTrust grants before being eligible for funding.

Community Impact

The community impact of organisations applying for support will be considered with those organisations with limited community impact (for example they only benefit a few people in the community) being given lower priority for funding.

Financial Statements

All applicants will be required to submit Financial Statements that comply with the accounting standards applicable to them set by the External Reporting Board (XRB) – the Not-for-Profit Public-Benefit-Entities (NFP PBE) Standards.

Audit or Review of Financial Accounts

While BayTrust does not require an organisation to have their financial accounts audited or reviewed, it does require that organisations comply with both their deed and the Charities Act 2005.

One application per organisation per year.

Under certain circumstances organisations may be permitted to have more than one application considered within a 12-month period:

  1. Organisations applying to the Strategic Partnership Fund or Quarterly Strategic where their application is for a separately identifiable project and is clearly innovative outside of general operating costs/business as usual;
  2. Organisations that have multiple activities or programmes that are clearly distinguishable, or cover more than one region, with separate cost centres and income streams.

An organisation considering a further application will need to discuss their case with staff in the first instance.

Accountability of Grants

Organisations that receive grants are asked to verify within twelve months, that the funds have been spent for the purposes specified in the approval;

  1. Recipients of grants over $20,000 will also be required to complete an accountability and impact assessment form. Completion of the form is mandatory and no further payments will be released until the form has been received;
  2. Where the grant is for Project Costs, copies of invoices for individual items over $5,000 are required ($20,000 for Quarterly Strategic Funding grants);
  3. For Operating Costs evidence from the organisation's accounting system or Annual Financial Statements.

Funding Pop up Content

Thank you for showing interest in applying for funding. We fund programmes and projects that work towards achieving our Outcomes and Priorities and contain the Attributes we require. These Outcomes, Priorities and Attributes are listed below.

Strengthened Whanau - Babies and Youth

Rationale: BayTrust recognises the importance of family and whanau as the basic unit in communities – when the family unit is strong, it follows that our communities will be healthy and strong. Our priorities in this area are:

​The first 1000 days of Child’s Life

The first 1000 days of a child’s life is the best time to make an investment into a child, and addressing the needs of a baby means effectively addressing the needs of the family. Evidence supports the value of investment into this phase of a child’s development as cost beneficial


  1. Programmes addressing the needs of families and children, e.g. parenting programmes, especially where addressing those identified at risk or with high needs;
  2. Programmes should have identified outcomes and a long term approach, be based on sound practice and show strong alignment to the effective interventions identified in our research.


BayTrust believes that when Youth are involved and engaged within their community – through a range of activities (work, sport, volunteerism, education) they are more likely to lead productive lives and become good citizens that will provide leadership for our communities in the future.


  1. Activities that support youth engagement;
  2. Youth support services and programmes that encourage youth to be productive members of the community, that are strengths based, have identified outcomes and a long term approach, are based on sound practice and can show strong alignment to the effective interventions identified in our research;
  3. That facilitate youth into post-secondary education, training or employment.

Vulnerable families and children

For a variety of reasons, some families, children and parents need assistance to reach their full potential, improve their lives, or recover from setbacks. Supporting family members to become strong will lead to strong communities.  


  1. Programmes addressing the needs of children, especially those who are at risk or vulnerable, to help them overcome difficulties and thrive
  2. Programmes or activities that support adults/parents who are vulnerable, at risk or disadvantaged
  3. Programmes should have identified outcomes and a long term approach, and be based on sound practice.

Inclusive Communities

Rationale: BayTrust has a role in fostering acceptance of community diversity and assisting those at a disadvantage to participate in and contribute to the community to the best of their ability. 


  1. Programmes that promote general health and wellbeing for those who are disadvantaged – through illness, inequality, age, disability or geographical situation;
  2. Effects of demographic changes on people and activities that focus on how to reduce the negative impacts of these changes, especially those that take a regional perspective;
  3. Activities that promote the acceptance of diversity within our communities

Safe communities

Rationale: Feeling safe within communities is necessary to personal wellbeing and enjoyment of our natural resources.


  1. Lifesaving, Coastguard, water survival and safety organisations and activities;
  2. Search and Rescue operations and organisations;
  3. Community Policing activities and organisations

Healthy Sustainable Housing

Rationale: We recognise the importance of healthy, sustainable housing in enabling people and families to lead healthy, productive lives.


  1. Programmes that address issues of sub-standard housing and or lack of social housing;
  2. Retrofitting insulation programmes where there is a community approach to the programme.


Rationale: Community development encourages communities to address their own issues, build on their own strengths and natural advantages. This builds cohesion, enhances the lives of people within communities and increases their sense of belonging, wellbeing and happiness.  Economic vibrancy, prosperity and jobs that provide a sustainable wage or better, plus all year round employment are essential to retain citizens and enable communities to thrive.


  1. Community organisations and activities that facilitate community development at a community level, encourage community cohesion and pride, volunteerism and equity amongst citizens;
  2. Activities that seek to address economic challenges, or improve economic welfare; the creation of sustainable employment opportunities;
  3. Activities that encourage or support the creation and enhancement of social enterprises.


Rationale: BayTrust recognises the benefit of sport and recreational activities in contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of community members, and the role sport plays in providing a mechanism for inclusion of individuals in a community. BayTrust believes the most strategic manner it can contribute to sport is through its involvement in the CoachForce programme which is delivered across 19 sporting codes across the BOP region by our strategic partner Sport BOP, and achieves recognisable community outcomes.


  1. CoachForce programme due to its wide coverage and identified community benefits;
  2. Other sports and recreational activities that are not supported by CoachForce where the activity is an important part of that community, is well supported by the community and is easily accessible to all.


Rationale: BayTrust believes involvement in arts, culture and heritage, community activities and events enriches people’s lives and increases their sense of wellbeing and connectedness.


  1. Applications for community driven arts, cultural and heritage opportunities / activities that enrich the lives of communities through active participation and that ideally work in a collaborative manner reflecting community priorities e.g. community arts programmes.
  2. Contributions to capital costs (generally up to a maximum of 20%) for buildings or assets where they are of strong local significance or historical importance with considerable wider community benefit.
  3. Events up to $15,000 maximum where the majority of the below elements are present:
  • a free to the public component;
  • high community appeal (the event reflects the interests of a high % of the community);
  • outreach to schools or youth involvement;
  • local community involvement in the organisation and delivery of the event;
  • high volunteer involvement;
  • where BayTrust funding will make a material difference to the event;
  • that have material economic development spin offs.

Tū Māori mai

  1. Activities or programmes that promote a strong Māori cultural identity (including Te Reo and tikanga) and contribute to a range of positive outcomes,
  2. Activities or programmes that help build knowledge of local Māori histories that help build understanding and positive collective futures
  3. Contributions to capital projects on Marae (up to $15k).


Rationale: We need strong community organisations and strong community leaders to deliver good quality programmes and activities that address community needs and aspirations.


  1. Activities that build the capacity and capability of community organisations or social enterprises, especially those that drive greater sustainability; support evaluative practices, service improvement and collaborative practices;
  2. Activities that support and enable community leaders;
  3. Activities that encourage and support volunteerism.


Rationale: The natural environment is fundamental to the sustainability and future of BOP.


  1. Community led natural environmental initiatives;
  2. Activities that promote community involvement in sustainability practices or raise awareness of environmental issues at a community level;
  3. Activities that recognise the natural environment as a cornerstone of sustainable communities and support those that show leadership within this space.


To help determine the likelihood of
funding success BayTrust will apply
its funding strategically by investing
in programmes and activities that
contain the following attributes:

1. Are BOP wide or BOP replicable, and are
       community led.

2. Contain measurable outcomes and
       embedded evaluative practices.

3. Build capacity and capability of
       community groups and individuals who
       are potential community leaders

4. Support those in the BOP who have the
       greatest need

5. Incorporate a Partnership approach

6. Foster Youth engagement and early child

7. Deliver innovative solutions to social issues

Note: the more of these attributes that an application can demonstrate it meets, the more likelihood of funding and the greater the funding that can be accesses.

My progamme, activity or project aligns with the above > 

My progamme, activity or project does not Align with the above >