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Toi Ohomai Workplace Training Workshops – FREE

22 May 2024

Toi Ohomai Workplace Training Workshops – FREE

The programme is designed to offer Communication, Self-management and digital skills workshops embedding literacy and numeracy. The goal being to improving the performance of staff.


The workshops are FREE to organisations.


Benefits to your organisation:


- Increased staff confidence & retention.

- Improved communication of staff, management & clients.

 - Increased productivity at work.


There are some eligibility criteria for workplace learners:


  • Literacy & Numeracy online assessment – result dependant. 
  • Learners must be in paid employment.
  • Learners must be NZ Citizens or Permanent residents.
  • Learners’ qualifications must be below NZQA Level 5.
  • Learners must have less the 31 NZQA Literacy & Numeracy credits.


We can check all this information for each employee. We require at least 5 eligible employees.


Workshop days & times:


  • Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm. 
  • Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly.
  • 2hr or 4hr per workshop.


Email Scott.Boyce@toiohomai.ac.nz to further discuss the process and your employees needs within their working day.